This award recognizes individuals in government, intergovernmental organizations, academia, and industry who have exercised personal…

Are you ready for #ACSSANDIEGO?
Here is the critical information that you need to know before you head to San Diego.
- Download the ACS Meetings App wherever you get your apps to organize your schedule ahead of the meeting.
- Don’t forget to bring your name badge if you have already received it in the mail. Be sure that you are registered before you leave. Avoid registering on-site if possible.
- Download your copy of the PICOGRAM from the website. Hard copies will be available at the AGRO table.
- AGRO technical programming will be held theater style with headsets in Ballroom 208-D of the San Diego Convention Center (SDCC). Please be considerate and take your conversations outside the room while sessions are underway.
- AGRO poster session will be Wednesday 11:30 – 2PM in Ballroom 208-D
- Award programs will be held in Rm. 33C of the SDCC.
- AGRO Meetings and Social Events:
- Business Meeting – SDCC Rm. 30A, Sunday 5:00-9:00PM
- Grad Student Luncheon – SDCC Rm. 11A, Monday 11:45-1:00PM
- 50th Celebration Planning – SDCC Ballroom 208-D, Monday 5:15 PM
- Sterling B. Hendricks Award Lecture Reception – SDCC Rm. 31C, Tuesday 11:30AM
- AGRO Vendor Interface Program – SDCC Rm. 6E, Tuesday 4:30 – 5:45PM
- Blues and Brews – SDCC Rm. 6E, Tuesday 6:00-7:15 PM
- AGRO Awards Social – SDCC Rm. 6E, Wednesday 6:00-8:00PM