This award recognizes individuals in government, intergovernmental organizations, academia, and industry who have exercised personal…

AGRO Symposium Series Book
The AGRO-Sponsored, ACS Symposium Series Book, “Navigating Legal Challenges in the Agrochemical Industry” has been published by Andrew Coates, Rodney Bennett, and Jeanette Van Emon. See Detailed Information.
Agriculture is big business that encompasses farmers; pesticide development, registration, and usage; labor law; biotechnology; patents; trade agreements; real estate; environmental protection; climate change; the food movement; the U.S. Constitution (!); and ultimately us the consumers. This is by no means an exhaustive listing of what impacts getting food on the table but highlights the complexities of today’s agriculture. The discipline has changed significantly from placing seeds in the ground and then hoping for the best.
This reference work provides a basic understanding of several legal principles pertaining to agriculture and agribusiness. This legal information is presented within a backdrop of a historical perspective on agriculture, social conditions which shaped agricultural issues, and in turn, the impact of agriculture on social issues through the lean years and in time of plenty. Hopefully, the reader will gain a perspective on the legislative actions taken by the U.S. Congress in forming Farm Policy. Presented is a reference work for students studying the science of agriculture, agricultural research scientists, legal practitioners representing agricultural interests and patents, and those interested in finding out more about their food supply and the pervasiveness of agriculture in the U.S. economy and world stability.