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IUPAC 2019

Ghent, Belgium

The 14th IUPAC International Congress of Crop Protection Chemistry will be organized by Ghent University during May 19-24, 2019 in Ghent, Belgium. Organizer Contact information Dr. ir. Pieter Spanoghe Professor E T +32 9 264 60 09 M +32 478 74 26 96 Department of Crop Protection Campus Coupure, B6, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium

North American Chemical Residue Workshop

Naples, Florida

The North American Chemical Residue Workshop (NACRW) formerly the Florida Pesticide Residue Workshop (FPRW) conducts an annual meeting for scientists particularly interested in trace level analysis of pesticides, veterinary drug residues, and other chemicals in food, animal feed, and environmental samples.  The purpose of the meeting is to provide training, develop and improve technical knowledge, facilitate development and distribution of new analysis methods and techniques, and establish networking to promote professional cooperation between scientists of these interests.  While the majority of attendees are from North America, important international speakers are always included in the Technical Program, and attendance of scientists from Asia, Europe, South America, Australia, and Africa is increasing annually. AGRO is a co-sponsor of this event.

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