Top five ag chem companies are: Bayer, Syngenta, Corteva, BASF, FMC.
Next five are projected as: Nufarm, United Phosphorous, Sumitomo, AMVAC and Albaugh View Source
All timeline stories.
Next five are projected as: Nufarm, United Phosphorous, Sumitomo, AMVAC and Albaugh View Source
The new FMC Agricultural Solutions, the fifth-largest crop protection company globally, has a broader product portfolio, deeper pipeline, greater regional and balance, and a full-discovery R&D innovation engine. Source 1 | Source 2
AGRO Vision revised as: Fostering sustainable agriculture and protecting public health through chemistry. AGRO Mission: Bringing together a worldwide community of scientists and stakeholders to advance knowledge and promote innovative solutions for the protection of agricultural productivity, public health, and…
Adama was the world's largest pesticide producer. View Source
Adama was the world's largest pesticide producer. View Source
Pesticide industry Task Force was established to improve methods and to compile and develop data to inform US EPA's risk assessment process for pollinators. View Source
Building on several previous SAPs, EPA publishes a Federal Register Notice for alternative scientific approaches to screen chemicals for their ability to interact with the endocrine system. The approach incorporates validated high throughput assays and computational models as an alternative…
EPA released reviews of the Tier 1 screening assay results for the first 52 pesticide chemicals (active and inert ingredients) in the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program. For each chemical, EPA decided whether additional (Tier 2) testing is necessary. View Source
The Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), until 2014 known as the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO), is a Directorate-General of the European Commission. The DG is responsible for the implementation of European Union laws on the safety of food and…
Farmers in 28 countries planted a record 181.5 million hectares last year – up from 175.2 million in 2013. For the third straight year, developing countries grew the majority of biotech crops. Bangladesh became the newest adopter of plant biotechnology,…