Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act enacted
Required USDA to assess and report to Congress the condition of US soil and water resources and to develop a national conservation program. Source: View Source
All timeline stories.
Required USDA to assess and report to Congress the condition of US soil and water resources and to develop a national conservation program. Source: View Source
A seminal book in the field of insecticide toxicology. Covers Penetration and Distribution of Insecticides, Microsomal Oxidation and Insecticide Metabolism, Cytochrome P450, Extramicrosomal Metabolism of Insecticides, Enzymatic Conjugation and Insecticide Metabolism View Source
Source: AGRO History Document 1976-2001;
Elected Officers included Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary and Treasurer. Source: AGRO History Document 1976-2001;
ACS celebrates its centennial year in 1976. On April 6, 1876, thirty-five chemists met at the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York to found the American Chemical Society. ACS began publishing its flagship journal, the Journal of…
Seminal book in the field of insect toxicology, based on teaching notes from his course on the toxicology of insecticides to provide comprehensive and up-to-date text; covering Principles of Insecticide Toxicology, Classification of Insecticides, Modes of Action of Insecticides and…
GC becomes a standard technique for detection of residues as well as characterization of actives with ever improving detectors of electron capture, flame ionization and nitrogen/phosphorus detection (1970s) to mass spectrometers (1980s). View Source
A broad class of herbicides invented which dramatically reduced the amounts of pesticides applied. Source:
Monsanto introduced Roundup, a broad-spectrum herbicide that dramatically changed farming practices. View Source