Officers & Committees
The AGRO Division has recently adopted an an updated Committee Structure to better serve the Strategic Plan. For a detailed description of each elected office of the division and the various committees, please refer to the AGRO Operations Manual.
Officers & Committee Members
Division Resources
Officer Roles
Chair – One year term – The primary responsibility of the Chair is to ensure that the business of the Division is carried out properly and expeditiously. The Chair is the leader of the Division and must ensure that all Division officers, as well as the non-elected leaders, are performing their assigned duties and meeting deadlines.
Chair-Elect – One year term – The two primary responsibilities of the Chair-Elect are: 1) to act as the Program Chair and 2) to prepare to fulfill the role as Chair.
Vice Chair – One year term – The primary responsibility of the Vice Chair is to serve in the absence of the Chair-Elect and assist that person in planning and developing future technical programs for the Division. Serves as Chair of Programming Committee.
Past Chair – One year term – The principal responsibility of the Past Chair is to serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee for the following year because of his/her Division experience and knowledge of Division members. He/she also serves as an advisor to the Chair.
Secretary – One year term – The primary duty of the Secretary is to take minutes of the various meetings of the Division and see that those minutes are properly communicated to the members of the respective committees and officers.
Treasurer – One year term – The primary responsibility of the Treasurer is to coordinate and monitor the financial activities of the Division to accurately maintain the Division financial records, and to report on the financial health of the Division to the Division Executive Committee, Division members, the IRS, and the ACS.
Councilor or Alternate Councilor – Three year term – The primary responsibility of the Councilor (and the Alternate Councilor, who is the substitute representative in the absence of the Councilor) is to represent the Division to the ACS through active participation in the decisions and activities of the Council.
Committee Roles
Awards Committee – To administer awards offered by the Division to the extent authorized by the Division Executive Committee. The awards program is an integral part of the Division, its purpose being to recognize and encourage outstanding contributions to our science and our Division.
Bylaws Committee – The purpose of the Bylaws Committee is to assure that the Division’s bylaws are maintained in accordance with changes in Division operations and in accordance with any changes either requested by the ACS, the Division Executive Committee or dictated by changes in the ACS’s bylaws.
Communications Committee – The purpose of the Committee is to coordinate the Division’s communication and publication activities. This includes management of the AGRO Division website, publication of the PICOGRAM, compilation of the AGRO e-newsletter, advancement of publication efforts through ACS Books, and publicizing of Divisional activities.
Development Committee – The purpose of the Committee is to interface with the patrons of our industry to coordinate their support of our Division’s scientific activities.
Executive Committee – Three year term – The purpose of the Executive Committee is to serve as the senior management team responsible for leadership of Division activities assuring the overall growth and financial health of the Division. The Executive Committee is authorized to manage the affairs of the Division, including determination of policy and coordination of the operation of committees.
Finance Committee – The purpose of the Finance Committee is to monitor the financial activities of the Division. The Division Chair appoints the Finance Committee Chair. The incumbent Treasurer is an ex-officio member.
International Activities Committee – Will seek to enhance the role of AGRO in the broad international scientific community and to enrich its membership experience by promoting international collaborations and interactions among its members. It exists to facilitate coordination of international activities within AGRO, and to increase the participation of scientists from all countries in AGRO. The committee will also act to provide information and support to scientists outside of the United States who are interested in AGRO.
Membership Committee – The purpose of the Membership Committee is to develop programs and activities for the recruitment of new members to the Division and to the ACS, as well as to develop activities and programs for the retention of existing members.
Nominating Committee – The purpose of the Nominations Committee is to develop a slate of qualified candidates for the elected Division offices that need to be filled for the following calendar year. This committee is composed of the Immediate Past Chair, who becomes the Nominating Committee Chair, and the two additional members, who traditionally have been the immediate former Chairs of this Committee.
Programming Committee – The purpose of the Programming Committee is to plan, develop, and implement the Division’s technical program. The Vice Chair of the Division is the Chair of this committee.
Social Committee – The purpose of the Committee is to direct social events in coordination with other Committees and maintain a hospitality table in the area where Division sessions are located at the fall ACS meeting.
Strategic Planning Committee – This Committee will assist the Executive Committee in development and implementation of the Division’s strategic plan.