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Fitting Sustainable Agriculture into the Global Environment

Dr. Peter H. Raven, Missouri Botanical Garden

Dr. Raven is president emeritus of the Missouri Botanical Garden, which he headed for 39 years, guiding it to become a global leader in botanical research and conservation while remaining a prized local attraction.  For many years, he has been a leader in the effort to attain global sustainability, including the conservation of biodiversity.  He is an elected member or foreign member of a number of other national academies, including those of the United States, China, Russia, the U.K., Brazil, and Australia, and of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.  In 2001, he was a recipient of the U.S. National Medal of Science.  He has authored or coauthored numerous books and publications, including The Biology of Plants, the internationally best-selling textbook in botany and Environment, a leading textbook on the environment.  He is George Engelmann Professor Emeritus at Washington University, and has received numerous honorary doctoral degrees domestically and abroad.

Dr. Raven mentions an important website during his presentation called Global Footprint Network.


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